Painting a Grand Picture of Youth Science and Education
2024-09-04 12:36:46

Painting a Grand Picture of Youth Science and Education

The United Nations Intergovernmental Cooperation for the Construction of Child-Friendly Cities (UNICCC) The Committee for Science, Education and Development of Global Youth (hereinafter referred to as the “The Committee for Science, Education and Development of Global Youth”) is an international non-profit organization established under the initiation and leadership of The United Nations Intergovernmental Cooperation for the Construction of Child-Friendly Cities (UNICCC). With the aim of promoting the popularization and development of science education for young people around the world, the Committee is committed to improving young people's scientific literacy and innovation ability, and giving full play to its function of cultivating future talents with a scientific spirit and an international outlook for the construction of a community of shared destiny for mankind, as well as contributing to the development of science education for young people around the globe, and assisting young people's growth and success.

On the new journey of building a high-quality community of human destiny, combining the real needs of science education for young people around the world and the actual situation of science education for young people in China, it is proposed to launch the “Global Cultural Heritage Logo Research and Development Program - Chinese Character Inheritance Demonstration Institutions”. “Global Cultural Heritage Symbol Youth Research and Development Program - Little Messenger of Chinese Characters” ‘Global Youth Science Development Program - Junior Science Academy’ (three major programs). The “Global Youth Science Development Program - Junior Science Education Academy” (the three major programs in China) aims to provide high-quality services for the development of youth science and education in China and the world, and to draw a grand picture of youth science and education!

First of all, from the point of view of “Global Cultural Heritage Symbol Research and Development Program” and “Global Cultural Heritage Symbol Youth Research and Expansion Program”, the key carrier is the Chinese character. Chinese characters are an important symbol of China's cultural heritage, with a profound historical and cultural heritage and unique charm; the inheritance of Chinese characters is of great significance to the promotion of Chinese culture and civilization exchanges and mutual understanding. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in his speech when he visited children and young people at the National Primary School in Haidian District of Beijing that “Chinese characters are a symbol of Chinese cultural heritage. The Yinxu oracle bone inscriptions are more than 3,000 years away, and for more than 3,000 years, the structure of Chinese characters has not changed, and this inheritance is the real Chinese gene.” From the perspective of youth science and education, Chinese characters play a crucial role in youth science and education enlightenment, playing an important multi-dimensional and deep-rooted role. For one thing, learning Chinese characters is conducive to improving young people's observation and analytical skills. The structure of Chinese characters is exquisite and full of deep meaning, and the methods of creating characters, such as pictograms, references, and ideograms, contain the ancient people's meticulous observation and deep understanding of the world. When learning Chinese characters, young people will unconsciously exercise their ability to observe subtleties, learn to extract key features from complex appearances, and understand their connotations through analysis. Secondly, learning Chinese characters is conducive to broadening young people's intellectual horizons. From the ancient oracle bone inscriptions to today's simplified Chinese characters, each Chinese character is like a monument of history, recording the evolution of human civilization. Through the study of Chinese characters, young people can travel through time and space, appreciate the wisdom of their ancestors, and accumulate a rich reserve of knowledge, laying a solid foundation for exploring the broader world of science in the future. Thirdly, learning Chinese characters is conducive to cultivating young people's logical thinking. The skillful combination of sound and form in the form-sounding characters follows a certain pattern, and the relationship between the components in the ideographs contains a profound logic. By learning Chinese characters, young people are able to understand the logic of the composition of Chinese characters and apply this logical thinking to their understanding of scientific concepts and principles.

Therefore, under the framework of the Committee for Science, Education and Development of Global Youth, in order to promote the “Global Cultural Heritage Symbol Research and Development Program” and the “Global Cultural Heritage Symbol Research and Development Program for Youth”, and in order to fully explore and give full play to the scientific and educational functions of Chinese characters, it is necessary to build a high-quality Chinese character inheritance program. In order to fully explore and give full play to the functions of Chinese characters in science and education, we should build high-quality Chinese character inheritance demonstration organizations and set up the image of “Little Messengers of Chinese Characters”, so as to serve the grand scroll of science and education for young people. Taking the Word Academy as an example, the Word Academy is an academy built with Chinese characters as the core and combined with the natural and cultural resources of regional characteristics, and its three main features of “family education”, “four studies” and “future education” play an important role in the enlightenment of young people in science and education. Under the “Global Cultural Heritage Marker Research and Development Program”, the high quality and standard construction of the script academy is of the following significance: first, to further expand the scope of dissemination of the excellent traditional Chinese culture represented by Chinese characters; second, to comprehensively implement science education activities for young people based on Chinese characters; third, to drive the development of cultural industries with regional characteristics, thus promoting the formation of regional cultural industries; and third, to promote the development of cultural industries. Thirdly, it will lead to the development of cultural industries with regional characteristics, thus promoting the formation of a regional cultural industry development park; and fourthly, it will provide a reference for the construction of a model organization for the inheritance of the Chinese character on a global scale.

Secondly, from the perspective of the “Global Youth Science Development Program”, the key carrier is the Junior Academy of Science and Education, and the construction of the Junior Academy of Science and Education provides a more professional platform for young people to receive better science education. In order to promote the orderly implementation of the Global Youth Science Development Program, the Junior Academy of Science and Education should play a role in the following aspects: First, popularize science and technology information. The Academy should provide all kinds of science education information, popular science information, science and technology activities and other related information, timely updates, so that the majority of young people the first time to learn about the latest global science and technology trends, do not miss any of the exciting hot spots. Second, organize science and technology innovation events. Provide comprehensive and professional information on science and technology events covering all age groups and countries around the world, including event declaration, subject cultivation, award-winning case analysis, characteristics of discipline research and introduction of key research issues in disciplines, etc. Meanwhile, a team of tutoring experts is tailored for young people to provide them with targeted training for major competitions and exchange activities. Thirdly, science education is fully implemented. First, the STEM inquiry science experiment creation course: based on the concept of STEM education, incorporating the PBL project teaching method, the four disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics are naturally combined to form a new whole. The course is divided into five sections: creating scenarios, brainstorming, hands-on practice, creative exploration and divergent thinking, which not only cultivates the youth's ability to work together and enhances their creativity and critical thinking, but also induces the youth to take the initiative in exploring the problems and applying the knowledge they have learned to the real-life scenarios, so that the youth can learn and master the problem-solving skills, and gradually form a set of their own thinking logic and learning styles. Learning style. Secondly, online live science popularization course: Combined with the requirements of cultivating the scientific quality of young people, relying on the remote STEM cloud classroom, and through the power of experts from more than 1,000 societies, associations, and research institutes around the world, it popularizes the knowledge of STEM disciplines and guides the methodology of STEM scientific research, and conducts online live course lectures, so as to broaden the ideas of the majority of young people's scientific research. Thirdly, the international excellent cases of creating courses: through the analysis of the award-winning cases of international innovation tournaments, the characteristics of discipline research and the introduction of the key research problems of the discipline, we will show a clear picture for the youths from the generation of innovative ideas to the formation of their own scientific and technological research results in the competition.

Looking ahead, we have reason to believe that under the “Global Cultural Heritage Icons Research and Development Program”, “Global Cultural Heritage Icons Youth Research and Development Program” and “Global Youth Science Development Program”, the three China regional programs will be strengthened. “Under the solid support of the three major programs in China, the cause of youth science education in China will make greater breakthroughs, promote the drawing of a grand picture of youth science education in the world, and thus accelerate the realization of the fundamental goal of the Committee on the Development of Science Education for Young People in the World to help young people grow up and become successful!